Saturday 7 March 2015

Journo Dilemma: To Hack or not to Hack?

Discuss the risks of privacy violations and hacking in your planned profession.

Standish (2014) restates William Randolph Heart’s words, “News is something somebody doesn’t want printed; all else is advertising.” Exposing that hidden information has recently more than ever brought forward privacy violations and prospect hacking in the journalism field. In what Standish (2014) calls an anti-privacy culture we live in, how far are journalists required to go to find those stories? Is privacy just another word that holds no substance or relevance in today’s digital age?

In the early days of the World Wide Web more so than now hacking was seen as a tool to improve the way the system works by modification and sharing of information (Flew, 2014). This type of hacking is still evident such as those who are employed by companies to hack their systems to show glitches in their internet security.  However today there is more emphasis on the illegal hacking that Giles (2014) states is the emergence of a cyber-war that has threatened national security and the freedom and privacy of internet users. This is due to the fact that it is almost near impossible to secure cyberspace because of its infinite nature and the countless loopholes that allows hacking into computer systems (Giles, 2014).

Others see this as a way to exercise democracy and their right to freedom of speech which is what has spawned internet vigilantes. This includes Anonymous who have made various attacks to fight censorship in places such as Malaysia (Salman, 2013).

Another controversial hacker forum is Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks. Here the idea of complete transparency ethicality is tested (Hamilton, 2013). Through hacking and whistle-blowers the site looks to uncover truths and covered up atrocities by governments. However the transparency of posting classified documents and exposing names and private information can be seen as potentially reckless. It has been argued although there has been no evidence thus far that due to the leaks not only national security but people and innocent people associated with them may be targeted and have their lives at risk (Elsea, 2013). This complacency can be seen as a disregard of potential innocent life and begs the question how much should or do we need to know and at what cost?

The importance of investigative journalism (GIJN, 2014).

Focusing back on privacy violations, it becomes an ethical issue within the journalist profession if the intrusive act of hacking is not influenced by public interest. Strand (2014) states that investigative journalist is needed and is sometimes requires to breach certain privacy rules. However each situation needs to be assessed individually where the public interest and overall good outcome should outweigh the intrusiveness.

Pearson and Polden (2011) stated that when considering whether to be intrusive you first have to determine the nature of the private material and how you will go about retrieving it. The next step is determining the public interest which looks at the social status of the individual/s and whether there will be future harm or consequences from exposing this information.

A prime example of how far journalists go and how dire the situation can become is the News of the World (NOTW) phone hacking scandal in the UK. These journalists partook in phone-hacking of royals and other famous celebrities for an exclusive scoop but it was only when Milly Dowler was murdered that the full-scale of the scandal was brought to light. Those who are unfamiliar with the story, the 13-year-old teen girl was abducted and murdered. While she was still missing NOTW hacked the teenager’s phone and deleted messages in the message bank so the phone and they could be the first to receive any information about her whereabouts. Her parents and police saw this phone activity and thought Milly could still be alive which we later learned was not the case (Jennings, 2011).

NOTW was taken to court and was shut-down by owner Rupert Murdoch. Journalists and the former editor were sentenced for their part in the hacking and bribery of policemen (Dearden, 2014). This was a grim intrusion of privacy that questions the integrity of journalists and how far they may go for a story.

As journalists we have a responsibility.  If we are exposing the truths we have to decide whether we are doing it in a way that doesn’t bring more harm than good. The risks include journalist being sent to jail for their intrusions or innocent people being targeted due to the information journalists do share. There is no doubt that if there is substantial public interest and safety of others is assessed, privacy violations and hacking is needed in order to make those who are doing the wrong thing accountable. Although before going to these lengths it may be smart to get legal advice and have a clear understanding with the court of law. Taking that law course doesn't seem so bad after all!

Dearden, L. (2014, July 4). Andy Coulson jailed for 18 months: News of the World journalists sentenced for phone hacking. The Independent. Retrieved from

Elsea, J. K. (2013). Criminal prohibitions on the publication of classified defense information. Current Politics and Economics of the United States, Canada and Mexico, 15(2), 161-203. Retrieved from

Flew, T. (2014). New Media: An Introduction (4th. Ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

GIJN. (2014). Why investigative journalism matters: Impact infographic. Global Investigative Network. Retrieved from   

Hamilton, C. (2013). Symbolic amateurs: On the discourse of amateurism in contemporary media culture. Cultural Studies Review, 19(1), 177-192. Retrieved from

Jennings, M. M. (2011). You cannot talk your way out of a situation that your conduct got you into: lessons in ethics from the Murdoch events. Corporate Finance Review, 16(2), 37-41. Retrieved from

Pearson, M. & Polden, M. (2011). The Journalist's Guide to Media Law. 4th edition. Allen & Unwin, Sydney.

Standish, D. (2014). There is no such thing as a free press...and we need one more than ever. Theory in Action, 7(1), 94-99. Retrieved from

Salman, A., Saad, S., & Ali, M. N. S. (2013). Dealing with ethical issues among internet users: Do we need legal enforcement?Asian Social Science, 9(8), 3-8. Retrieved from

Sunday 22 February 2015

Techno Interactivity and Participation: Pro-ams taking over?

How are participation and pro-ams (pro-amateurs) changing the way you will work and make money throughout your career?

The emergence of Web 2.0 has allowed users to not only generate content but be able to comment and have collaborative two-way communication (Flew, 2014).

This convergence from old media to new media, created a digital world that is a hive of interactivity which Flew (2014) states is kept alive with ‘active audiences’.  

It is this user-generated content that has added different pressures and obstacles in many careers especially in the journalism profession. One is the rise of citizen journalism with the general public beingable to produce content almost instantly with mobile devices and access to the internet (Agboola, 2014).  This has not only put pressure on the paid jobs for professional journalists but also demands that news be delivered 24/7, throwing the traditional news-printing time zones out of whack (Wazike, 2013).

Barnes (2012) states that citizen journalism are people who are not formally trained or have not received journalistic education but are enabled by social media and hand held devices to contribute and create news content.

There is an argument that pro-am blogs have influence on public opinion due to the perception that unlike journalists linked to major media outlets, they don’t hold back on information or their opinions (Wasike, 2013). Due to this perceived transparency people tend to trust, listen and identify with these blogs.

Breaking news stories on social media (Morejon, 2012).
This is needed dialogue however due to the lack of professional training there are ethics that escape some citizen journalists (Barnes, 2012).  More than ever there needs to be balance whereas in some citizen journalism cases, people may be bias in the information they provide or may be insensitive to the information they do share.

An example of this when graphic images of the dead are published online when their families have not yet been notified (Barnes, 2012). It is this breach in ethics and privacy that is sometimes lost with citizen journalism.  

In regards to ethics, yes, being taught and being put in practice are two different things, however when it is not taught in the first place then it can never truly be put into practice.
With this, Barnes (2012) states that this awareness of ethics and responsibility is what distinguishes the professional journalist from the pro-ams.   

Despite this, journalists should not shun the platforms used by citizen journalists such as Twitter, Facebook and other blog platforms. There needs to be that interaction and open space for conversation and opinions to gain insight on what the majority online community finds important.
Through these same platforms there is also the chance for crowdsourcing, which is establishing information from a variety of sources made available by the internet (Barnes, 2012; Flew, 2014).  It is a new techno-culture that allows the co-creation of content (Graham, 2013). This can be both positive and problematic if journalists do not establish whether the information is first off true and then newsworthy.

This interactivity has created a new sense of democracy where anyone is able to comment or have their say and opinion be heard. Anyone can be a citizen journalist (Barnes, 2012; Kaufhold, Valenzuela, & de Zúñiga, 2010).  However by anyone I mean anyone with the technology is able to disseminate information across are a widespread audience around the world.

This highlights the digital divide where there are certain geographical, incomes, education, age and ethnicity can act as a barrier to the way we use or even are able to use technology (Flew, 2014). Due to this it is important to realize that there are people who voices are still not being heard and it is up to journalists to investigate and uncover these untold stories/opinions.

For a while journalist and mainstream media were watchdogs for other major institutions such as the government. However now the bloggers are watching and keeping in check the media reporting (Kelly, 2010; Pearson & Polden, 2011). Essentially they are watching the fact checkers to make sure they are reporting the truth. This is why bloggers and independent citizen journalists are needed.

For the last point in the video below, Craig Kanalley states that we still need journalists to sift through the influx of information and check what is factual and what is purely opinion (PBS Digital Studios, 2012).

All in all, the participation enabled through digital media has created a conventional dialogue that puts positive pressure on the journalism profession. It ensures that journalists are fact-checking their sources and are managing the information to make sure the important facts are highlighted.  Citizen journalism enables crowdsourcing of information however there will be a need for professional journalism to sift through the white-noise and uncover the real news. Due to this paid journalism will be in demand to ensure that ethics are followed and facts are checked more so now and in the future.

(Morejon, 2012).

Agboola, A. K. (2014). The influence of new media on conventional media in Nigeria. Academic Research International, 5(4), 105-113. Retrieved from

Barnes, C. (2012). Citizen journalism vs. traditional journalism: A case for collaboration. Caribbean Quarterly, 58(2), 16-27,179. Retrieved from

Flew, T. (2014). New Media: An Introduction (4th. Ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Graham, G., & Greenhill, A. (2013). Exploring interaction: Print and online news media synergies. Internet Research, 23(1), 89-108. doi:

Kaufhold, K., Valenzuela, S., & de Zúñiga, H. G. (2010). Citizen journalism and democracy: how user-generated news use relates to political knowledge and participation. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 87(3), 515-529. Retrieved from

Morejon, R. (2012). How social media is replacing traditional journalism as a news source [infographic]. Retrieved from

PBS Digital Studios (2012, November 15). The impact of twitter on journalism. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Pearson, M. & Polden, M. (2011). Freedom of the Press. In the Journalist’s guide to media law (4th ed.). NSW. Allen & Unwin.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Knowledge Workers: Surviving Technology Take-Over

Look at your planned profession carefully; what can you do as a knowledge worker to ensure you cannot be replaced by smart machines? 

With the rise of economic technology a future of smart machines replacing certain jobs has already occurred and looks to threaten even more careers (Salt, 2014).  Accompanied with this thought is a dystopian future where the machines take control, think of movies such as Terminator, Metropolis and Elysium. Despite this dreary outlook, can we really lose control to machines? Can knowledge workers, especially in the journalism and public relations industry, be replaced? I don’t think so and I will show you why.

Firstly, Peter Drucker coined the term ‘knowledge workers’ to explain how knowledge was the main resource for the globalized economy (Correia, & Dirk, 2010). This shows how knowledge and economy are interlinked, with knowledge workers “absorbing, creating and moving knowledge” (Correia, & Dirk, 2010).

Welsch (1996) stated that future jobs would be scarce due to technology replacing workers. However workers, especially knowledge workers, through experience and expertise are able to provide insights into establishing the best objectives and pathways for the company to thrive economically (MacDougall, & Hurst, 2005; Gerald, 2009).  

Despite the importance of knowledge workers, it is the innovators, consumers and investors that receive the capital in technology market (Schumpeter, 2013). This then leads to the thought that these workers are expendable. The car industry is prime examples of how smart machines have changed the way cars are made with limited manual labour (Mortimer, 2003).

Technology changing journalism
(Gunelius, 2013).
Schumpeter (2013) states that this is just the start of the smart machines takeover with occupations such as writers are the next to be replaced by well-oiled machines. Well there goes my career! However, maybe not as I believe in the journalist profession it’s not just about putting words on a paper or screen. When you are reporting you are telling a story. You have to breathe life into the words and to tackle different subjects you need empathy. There is a need for a creative mind and ability to collaborate and consult (Schumpeter, 2013). This is essential to knowledge workers “…so they can learn and contribute through others in team/community participation” (Holtshouse, 2009, p.18). These are valuable practices that would be lost on machines.

The same principles can be applied to the public relations profession. Practitioners already utilize online monitoring tools that are able to gather data and assess campaigns and message reach (Johnston, & Zawawi, 2009; Brandwatch, 2015). The smart machines are gathering this data however it is up to the public relations practitioner to make sense of the information. For example, to see whether the campaign needs to be adjusted and in what ways will have a more positive affect on the target audiences.

The key is the knowledge of sense-making that will be the definitive mark on ensuring that careers in journalism and public relations are not replaced by smart machines.

A notable argument is made by McKinsey Global Institute that stated, “…being spared relatively undemanding tasks will free knowledge worker(s) to deal with more complex ones, making them more productive” (Schumpeter, 2013).  This highlights how smart machines can enhance the productivity and effectiveness of the knowledge worker.

It is not about resisting the technology rather adopting and using it to your own advantage, in other words keeping in control of the technology and not letting it control you (Sulek & Marucheck, 1994).
Welsch states that this creates hierarchal gaps with knowledge workers by how they understand and utilize the machines. If you are unable to adopt the new technology, you are almost already demoted. Cleary (2006) stated that like the economy the newsroom is a place where workers of knowledge have to keep current to ensure the competitive edge of the worker and the company.

To make sure that in the professions of journalism and public relations are not replaced by smart machines I will have to make sure I gain valuable experience and knowledge passed down by predecessors. I will have to keep thinking innovatively, collaborate and discuss with others in and outside of my profession. It is important not resist the technology but instead use it to improve the produced work, essentially adapt.

Our minds are more complex than any machine. Heck, we haven’t even figured it out yet and it was our minds that created the machines. With that the Terminator future can wait, because knowledge workers will most likely have an edge to make sure we don’t lose control or our jobs.  

Cleary, J. (2006). From the classroom to the newsroom: Professional development in broadcast journalism. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 61(3), 254-266. Retrieved from

Correia, d. S., & Dirk, v. D. (2010). Knowledge workers, servant leadership and the search for meaning in knowledge-driven organizations. On the Horizon, 18(3), 230-239. doi:  

Gerald, S. (2009). Knowledge workers in the information society. Canadian Journal of Communication, 34(3), 529-531. Retrieved from

Gunelius, S. (2013). Technology and the evolution of journalism and news consumption [infographic]. ACI Information Group. Retrieved from

Johnston, J., & Zawawi, C., (Eds.) (2009). Public Relations; Theory & Practice (3rd ed.). St. Leonards, NSW: Allen and Unwin.

MacDougall, S. L., & Hurst, D. (2005). Identifying tangible costs, benefits and risks of an investment in intellectual capital: Contracting contingent knowledge workers. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 6(1), 53-71. Retrieved from

Mortimer, J. (2003). Mix of robots used for jaguar's aluminium-bodied XJ luxury car. The Industrial Robot, 30(2), 145-151. Retrieved from

Salt, B. (2014, November 4). Technocrats, knowledge workers, soft skills to dominate future work. The Australian. Retrieved from

Schumpeter (2013, May 25). The age of smart machines. The Economist. Retrieved from

Sulek, J., & Marucheck, A. (1994). The impact of information technology on knowledge workers. Work Study, 43(1), 5. Retrieved from

Welsch, A. (1996). The jobless future: Sci-tech and the dogma of work. American Planning Association. Journal of the American Planning Association, 62(4), 544. Retrieved from

Sunday 1 February 2015

The Smartphone Hum-drum

Outline the four main elements of diffusion related to a single digital media innovation in your profession.

The journalism profession has evolved over time especially due to the priority shift from print to online content. Along with this, Katz (2011) stated how the digital era has become a threat to print media. However it is not only the way traditional news is being received that has changed, it is also the way reporters now gather information and package a news story (Katz,  2011).

Think back to a time when there were no tape-recorders or smartphones, where shorthand was the only way to try and capture every word said. Today recording video or audio and taking photos can be done with one device. Along with this the quality of the technology means that the content a reporter is collecting can be easily transferred for publishing purposes (BBC Journalism, 2014).
Using a smartphone has become part of a journalists equipment relied upon by most reports. This is also due to how fast news is required to be processed (Conde, 2014).

Through Everett Rogers theory of the four elements of diffusion a clearer insight into why the introduction of the smartphone has altered the way journalists report can be established.
Rogers (1995) described the diffusion of innovations as convergence through two-way communication. Through this understanding and communication people then decide whether or not to take on the new innovation within their daily lives.

The first element is the innovation itself. The mobile phone alone is not a new concept rather there are new additions added to the basic mobile phone enabling its user to do more. With the smart phone the innovation is that now the mobile device was a personal commuter (Rogers, 1995; Flew, 2014).   
From a reporter’s point of view the mobile phone can now record, take pictures and notes, all the components needed to compile an article (BBC Journalism, 2014). Another plus is that all this is done and stored in one device.

This creates certain problems as well; first if the phone is not backed up the interview recordings or images is lost. This is what Rogers (1995) called the consequences that come with any innovation where the consequences can be desirable and undesirable, direct and indirect and anticipated and unanticipated. These all refer to how the innovations change individuals or the social structure after it has been adopted.

The second element is the communication channel which looks at the passing of information through mediums such as mass media such as print, television and radio (Rogers, 1995).
This relates to the information received about what smartphones could offer through commercial, endorsements and sponsors.

However Rogers (1995) stated that it isn’t just this statistical/tech information that encourages others to adopt new innovations, rather it is the individual recommendations and evaluations that hold the most weight.This is why it is important that early adopters have positive reviews for the innovation as they are the best sale marketers.

The third element of diffusion is time. The rate the innovation is adopted is key and again heavily depends on the early adopters and then the majority of people who decide to try the innovation.
Most journalists didn’t adopt the extensive use of the smartphone until the pace required to delivering news quickened (Bullard, 2011). Along with this, the fact that news can happen at any time and the rise of citizen journalism almost inclined reporters to adopt this innovation to complete their work under tight schedules and limited equipment (Conde, 2014).

Due to this there are rarely late adopters of the smartphone in the journalism profession, with even the BBC providing online tutorials on how to utilize smart phones to the fullest (BBC Journalism, 2014). In these modules Marc Settle from the BBC Journalism goes through how to take quality photographs, audio files and video recordings ready for publishing.  

Flew (2014)highlighted that how well innovations have been adopted has less to do with the technical attributes and more to how easily the technology is to access and use. This is the case for how reporters’ reliance on smartphones has increased.

The fourth and last element of diffusion looks at the social system, which highlights how likely people are to adopt the innovation depends on the social structures, such culture, psychological and physiological factors (Flew, 2014).  As seen, utilizing the smartphone has fast become a cultural norm for journalists and is readily encouraged to obtain fast news (Katz, 2011).

By working through the four elements of diffusion a clearer insight to how and why smartphones have become an innovative technology relied upon by journalists for reporting purposes.

BBC Journalism. (2014, February 3) Smartphone Journalism: Audio. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Bullard, S. B. (2011). Journalism next: A practical guide to digital reporting and publishing. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 88(1), 215-216. Retrieved from

Conde, C. D. (2014). The new journalism and the demise of the old. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, 24, 3. Retrieved from 
Flew, T. (2014). New Media: An Introduction (4th. Ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Katz, J. E. (2011). Communication perspectives on social networking and citizen journalism challenges to traditional newspapers.Periodica Polytechnica.Social and Management Sciences, 19(2), 51-62. doi:  

Rogers, E.M. (1995). Diffusion of Innovations (4th Ed.). New York: The Free Press.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Well Hello There...

Welcome! This blog is dedicated to delving into how digital media has changed the way we view the world and more specifically how it has modified the Journalism and Public Relations professions. For four weeks I will be looking at different areas focusing on specific theories and applying it to practical examples relevant to today. This exploration will prove to be intriguing and I hope you are ready and willing to take this journey with me. Enjoy!